What Makes a Montessori School?

Our Goals Are:

  • Observing the children to become aware of their needs and then providing work and challenges for them
  • Directing the child to the appropriate materials at the optimum time to spark interest
  • Preparing and maintaining an orderly and stimulating educational environment
  • Respecting and caring for the child as an individual with rights and feelings

Our Goal

Role of the Teacher

In a Montessori classroom, there is no front of the room and no teacher’s desk as a focal point of attention. Stimulation from learning comes from the total environment. Dr. Montessori always referred to the teacher as a “guide” because her role differs considerably from that of a traditional instructor. She demonstrates the correct use of materials as they are individually chosen by the children. She carefully watches the progress of each child and keeps a detailed record of his work. Each teacher has been trained to recognize individual periods of readiness.


The school is directed by a trained Montessorian with a Master’s degree in Elementary Education. The classroom teachers are Montessori trained. Each staff member also brings to the position a wide range of useful experiences and a thorough knowledge of the developmental needs of children.